Customs clearance; In its most general sense, it refers to the realization of mandatory transactions in accordance with customs legislation and other relevant legislation for goods and vehicles entering or leaving the Customs Territory of the Republic of Turkey within the scope of foreign trade transactions with a foreign country. It covers the Customs Territory of the Republic of Turkey and the territory of the Republic of Turkey; Turkish territorial waters, inland waters and airspace are included in the Turkish customs territory.

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Customs Law No. 4458; “All persons may appoint a representative for their business in customs administrations in order to realize the savings and transactions stipulated by the customs legislation. Representatives are persons residing in the customs territory of Turkey, with the exception of persons engaged in transit transportation or making an accidental declaration.

Representation can be direct or indirect. The representative acts on behalf and account of someone else in the case of direct representation. In the case of indirect representation, he acts on his own behalf, but for the account of someone else. The representative is obliged to declare that he is acting on behalf of the person represented, to indicate that the representation is direct or indirect, and to submit the representation authorization document he has to the customs administrations.

Persons specified in paragraph 1 of Article 225 may pursue business as indirect representatives in customs administrations.”

Within the framework of Article 225 of the Customs Law; “The activities related to subjecting the goods to a process or use approved by customs are followed and concluded by the owners and those acting on their behalf through direct representation or by the Customs Brokers indirectly, within the framework of the provisions of Article 5.”.

As a result; Customs Brokers, in line with the above-mentioned powers in the Customs Law, may perform the savings and transactions envisaged by the customs legislation as a representative; They can conclude by following all kinds of customs procedures.
Customs Brokers are obliged to carry out the transactions required by the customs legislation and the bureaucratic process without errors, and to provide highly qualified and qualified consultancy services in customs and foreign trade issues, taking into account the legal rights, interests and benefits of the persons and organizations they represent, in a way that will protect them from all kinds of material and moral damages.

Customs Brokers, to work with the responsibility of the attorney in accordance with the Code of Obligations and the liability of the merchant within the framework of the provisions of the Commercial Code; In accordance with the Customs Law No. 4458 and the Anti-Smuggling Law No. 5607, they are obliged to act with the awareness of joint responsibility.

Working with this awareness, our company provides customs consultancy and foreign trade consultancy services in customs administrations at 60 service points in 30 cities.

In this context, the main services offered to our customers are as follows:

• To analyze the current situation of our customers in foreign trade and customs procedures; To determine and apply the customs regimes of the goods coming from or going abroad in line with the information received and the documents submitted; to request a siege if necessary.
• To determine the Customs Tariff Statistics Position (G.T.İ.P.) of the goods to be cleared according to the information, documents and samples submitted by the represented person/organization in accordance with the Customs Law No. 4458 and related legislation.
• According to the customs regime to which the goods will be subjected, by checking the documents required to be submitted to the customs administrations and coming from the counterparties of our customers, by subjecting the goods to a legal customs regime in accordance with the provisions of the Customs Law and relevant legislation, preparing the customs declaration and signing it as a customs consultant. to approve.
• At the request of our customers, to determine if there is a defect, damage or mistake in the incoming goods and to issue a report; to inform the customer and other relevant places.
• Calculating customs taxes and informing the customer.
• To deliver the taxpayer copy of the customs declaration, invoice, receipt, receipt and similar documents to the customer within a reasonable time.
• To follow up the Export Declaration closings.
• Receiving/delivering documents related to foreign trade transactions with courier service facilities.
• Allocating and/or supplying personnel/vehicle related to loading, unloading, porter, handling and similar operations in bonded areas.
• In other official institutions and organizations other than the customs administration; To allocate, procure, follow up and terminate personnel and vehicles for permits, exemptions, sampling, analysis and similar works and procedures required for import and export transactions.
• To resolve deposits or guarantees in agencies and customs accounting offices.
• Obtaining the permits related to the goods to be imported and exported (Domestic Processing Permit -D.İ.İ.B.-, Outward Processing Permit -H.İ.İ.B., Investment Incentive Certificate -Y.T.B.- etc.), tracking to make and finalize.
• To deliver the documents that will go with the goods to the transport company.
• Related jobTo make membership registration procedures for exporter associations.
• Obtaining preliminary permits within the framework of the procedures and principles in the legislation related to the export regime; To have the A.TR, EUR.1 and Origin documents approved, to have the necessary certification procedures done according to the country situation.
• To make bill of lading endorsements and to receive a cargo delivery form upon the customer's request after the receipt of the imported documents.
• Assisting the customer in obtaining binding tariff information by making use of the Customs Tariff Schedule and Prospectus.
• Archiving the documents of import and export transactions digitally.
• Making and finalizing the application for reconciliation to the Regional Directorates or the Ministry of Commerce in tax and penalty disputes with the customs administrations.
• To provide electronic information flow related to the business and transactions served, to provide e-service within the framework of the undertaking to be given by the customer for access to information and data regarding past transactions.
• Providing written and/or verbal consultancy on all matters related to foreign trade and customs clearance procedures, if the customer needs it.
• Domestic Processing Permit (D.İ.İ.B.), Outward Processing Permit (H.İ.İ.B.), Investment Incentive Certificate (YTB), Approved Person Status Certificate (OKSB), Authorized Economic Operator Certificate ( To provide temporary/indefinite consultancy in line with the request regarding permits such as YYS).
• On TSE, Standardization Practices, Tareks Legislation of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance; To provide consultancy services on a transaction basis or in general terms.
• To provide comprehensive training on customs and foreign trade.
• Online tracking and reporting via the Customer Work Portal.